I love computers. I've been enamoured with them since I was a tiny little thing playing with a gameboy and an Amstrad in the '90s.
My interest in programming started with that Amstrad.
Like most 80's micro's, it came with BASIC, which made it super easy for a curious kid to start writing simple programs.
From there, I started making games on Windows XP, using simple GUI's, which familiarized me with a lot of the concepts of coding.
That led me to start customizing my folders with HTML (which was something you could do back on Windows XP!).
After that I tried making some simple websites, with things like Geocities and dreamweaver, way back in the day.
It wasn't quite painful enough to stop me from studying computing in college, where I deepened my knowledge of algorithms and languages.
Years later, I found myself wanting to code again, so I picked up JS, and started looking at modern web dev.
I enjoyed that enough to join Le Wagon's bootcamp, where I had a great time learning Ruby, and messing around with fun things like WebSockets and SQL.
Anyway, that's a (very) brief overview of my time with computers. I hope I'll have more top add here in the future!